Probiotics for Digestive and Immune Health
The human body carries nearly 100 trillion bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that keep the intestines healthy and assist in digestion and nutrient absorption. Researchers are continuously finding evidence that certain bacteria in the gut influence cells in the body which provide 50% of the body’s immune response. Probiotics help restore balance in the intestinal microbiota by enhancing the intestinal flora – which have a larger effect in terms of keeping people in good health.
Digestive and Immune System Health
Your health starts in your gut - give it what it needs.
Bacillus Subtilis Helps Control Microbial Populations
DE111 is a classic Bacillus Subtilis strain that supports the normal growth of beneficial bacteria and crowds out other harmful bacteria. Several lab studies found that probiotic strains, including Bacillus subtilis, can bind mycotoxins – toxic compounds produced by fungi. Not only did probiotic bacteria bind and break down these toxins, some strains were even able to fix cell damage caused by aflatoxins and mycotoxins.